Zack Doyle



By 13 years ago

2244 views 2 comments

Our mountain home in Northern Pa. The view from the front of the house, with my truck in the driveway, and our 7 acre private lake behind. A wilderness retreat in the middle of nowhere, with all the comforts of home! Love spending time here!


Mike Richardson

Mike Richardson

everything looks good but the spoiler on the truck ;)

I wanted to design homes like that for a career. Not a big demand for it in my area so now i design big rigs. Go figure.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Yeah I haven't had the spoiler on in quite awhile...This picture was probably taken shortly after I bought it. It had to be awhile ago because the windows are tinted now, and thats been done for awhile.
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Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

13 years ago




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