Eric Rogers


Likelihood You'll Hit a Deer with Your Car

By 13 years ago

5684 views 12 comments

They're everywhere down here.


Mark Davison

Mark Davison

Surprising to see Texas low on the list.
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

A 1 in 67 chance in Iowa. That's bad. I'm sure that includes major cities too.
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Where I lived in GA just about everyone has had multiple deer collisions.
Kelly Lewis

Kelly Lewis

My cousin hit two deer in one week last year.
Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

I wonder why people don't hit more hogs down here in the south.
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

the KY one is wrong, ive hit 5 in the last 4 years
Scott Marschke

Scott Marschke

Hit one last year, tast just like the ones I shoot.
Seth Spencer

Seth Spencer

lol the one in maine is wrong cause when we hit deer we dont report it...
Mike Diggs

Mike Diggs

I live in arkansas, funny to see we're surrounded by lower risk states, I've hit two in my life but know folks that have hit deer so often they have a heavy duty brush guard they call a"deer" guard
Devin Glass

Devin Glass

lol WV has the most risk im screwed
Scott Rowland

Scott Rowland

I've hit 2 deer out here in California, even with the herd being so small out here.
Oh yeah, when the hell are the white tails gonna show up? We're running out of blacktails to shoot!
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