Just an observation, but your draw length is at least 1 inch too long. I cant see the rest of your body to look at your form, but just the simple change in draw length will dramatically increase your proficiency. You should be anchoring on the string with the tip of your nose. Imagine if you had a kisser button on your string in this photo. It would fall at least one inch behind the corner of your mouth where it should be. You can also see the string contacting your cheek and making an impression on it. This too can cause accuracy issues. My suggestion, if you haven't done so already, would be to get to a pro shop and get fitted properly. Also, you could take more pictures of yourself shooting, and I can try to help you out as much as possible by looking at that. I dont mean to be intrusive, just looking to extend a helping hand. I have coached many youth and female shooters over the past few years with great success, and I try to help out fellow archery every chance I get. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact me. My contact information is on my profile page.
Yes thank you. This was a hand me down bow. I kind of had to make due. I have gotten a new Hoyt now. Adjusted my draw. I don't have a kisser but I can anchor now. I am still learning & have many bad habbits I need to break. I'm getting better, slowly but surely. I tell you what though,....there's going to be at least 1 dead deer this year!!
Zack Doyle
Just an observation, but your draw length is at least 1 inch too long. I cant see the rest of your body to look at your form, but just the simple change in draw length will dramatically increase your proficiency. You should be anchoring on the string with the tip of your nose. Imagine if you had a kisser button on your string in this photo. It would fall at least one inch behind the corner of your mouth where it should be. You can also see the string contacting your cheek and making an impression on it. This too can cause accuracy issues. My suggestion, if you haven't done so already, would be to get to a pro shop and get fitted properly. Also, you could take more pictures of yourself shooting, and I can try to help you out as much as possible by looking at that. I dont mean to be intrusive, just looking to extend a helping hand. I have coached many youth and female shooters over the past few years with great success, and I try to help out fellow archery every chance I get. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact me. My contact information is on my profile page.Kellie Grabher
Yes thank you. This was a hand me down bow. I kind of had to make due. I have gotten a new Hoyt now. Adjusted my draw. I don't have a kisser but I can anchor now. I am still learning & have many bad habbits I need to break. I'm getting better, slowly but surely. I tell you what though,....there's going to be at least 1 dead deer this year!!