Joshua Nearhoof


World Record Trout

By 12 years ago

5404 views 7 comments

How abou this world record trout?


Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

No way! That's insane.
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

I never knew they could get half that big. A 5 pounder is really big to me.
Joshua Nearhoof

Joshua Nearhoof

lol yea you rnt kidding 43lbs kids say they caught a couple 20-30 lbs and then this one in a couple days! i no where im going if i ever go on a guided trout trip
John Leslie

John Leslie

I've seen much larger. In the great lakes the browns and lakers get to be twice that size.
Josie Velazquez

Josie Velazquez

Dam! I've never seen that big of trout in Oregon!! I wish!
Brent Moody

Brent Moody

In Oregon any rainbow over 20 inches is considered a steelhead (Oregon Fish and Game). But this is ugly big.
Josie Velazquez

Josie Velazquez

Ya there is a difference, steelhead actually have bigger "anal" fins, there very similar other than the weight and color.they travel to the ocean to spawn and rainbow trout never migrate to any other body of for a trout...I've never seen one this big:) gotcha tho.
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Joshua Nearhoof

Joshua Nearhoof

12 years ago

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