Eric Rogers


Horrible Elk Accident

By 13 years ago

12746 views 6 comments

My jaw dropped when I saw this. Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Michael Potter

Michael Potter

other than not having the opportunity to take it yourself, its a nice bull you can take and save the your tag for another, and still have a great story
Jerry Wiggins

Jerry Wiggins

Mother nature....
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

Wild stuff.
scott cardinel

scott cardinel

seems like it would have been able to get out of the way. man that's crazy
Morgan Sloan

Morgan Sloan

I like hunting because when I kill nothing suffers, it just drops, I hope nothing suffered here!!
Dennis L Elton

Dennis L Elton

Just what the world needs. A women that shoots far better than anyone else alive and her prey never suffers. Ive hunted for 50 yrs and never seen it yet....
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Dropped onto the board:

bull elk

56 Drops

Originally Dropped by:

Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

13 years ago




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