Brian Newman


Fight Club

By 13 years ago

16516 views 8 comments

The first rule of fight club...


Kelly Lewis

Kelly Lewis

I'd drop the one looking towards the camera.
Jeanette Chamberlain

Jeanette Chamberlain

Anyone would do...;-)
bryan kelley

bryan kelley

if i knew somebody wouldnt rat me out, i wouldnt mind taking em all out. lol. lots of nice deer rite there. lol
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

both if i could get the shots off
bryan kelley

bryan kelley

2 of the 7 would get away, because i only got 5 shots in my 30.06. lol. 1 shot 1 kill. its a sniper's motto.
Sean Chamberlin Sr.

Sean Chamberlin Sr.

lol,id more than likely hit the tree
john wing

john wing

If it was my own herd on my property it would be the far right, the cull...
Brett Disher

Brett Disher

i kill them all with one shot up in the air then watch them all snap their necks on the fence
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Brian Newman

Brian Newman

13 years ago

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