Eric Rogers


Deer in a Hole

By 12 years ago

12395 views 18 comments

Poor fella. I wouldn't want to be the one that has to take him out.


Roy Adams

Roy Adams

They'll get him out.
Terrell Frisby

Terrell Frisby

anyone who would shoot it needs their license revoked, Hunting is supposed to a sport, and there's no sport in shooting fish in a barrel.
Nathaniel Smith

Nathaniel Smith

it'd be very dangerous to try and get it out alive and poor sportsmanship to leave it. I agree with Brian. Shoot it, eat it.
Josie Velazquez

Josie Velazquez

That's true but you really think he'll make it out alive anyway?? He's gonna die in this whole, might as well feed a family..wouldn't matter if it was a Dow or a buck...he's no good to grow reproduce or feed someone down there...I'd shoot em.
Josie Velazquez

Josie Velazquez

*hole *doe (auto correct) ;)
seth baker

seth baker

So question why is it once it has been darted it can't be eaten?
Joe Mc

Joe Mc

lower a rope with a noose on end ,loop it around the antlers and lift ,the deer will help by climbing as you lift it upwards, a few years back we had to pull a spiker buck out of a hole similar to that one. but you will need a few ppl to help pull
Richard Wheat

Richard Wheat

yea why is it that once you dart it that it can't be eaten? sounds like you are the moron or just an outlaw so which is it?
Reece Baker

Reece Baker

Call animal control and they can tranquilize him and get him and release him, but my question is this, why in the hell would someone leave this hole open in the first place, I mean that could've been a kid, but even still the hole should be covered regardless, but that's humans for ya! I wouldn't feel right shooting him myself!
Abby Hungate

Abby Hungate

It would just be a wrong to shoot the deer. Its helpless. You do not deserve your license revoked, but you would be considered a heartless bastered in my book. So what if animal control had to dart it? Let them take it to a sanctuary or something. Problem solved.
Abby Hungate

Abby Hungate

Reece Baker, you are exactly right. Wait a few weeks and the meat is fine. Though, I believe there are some tranquilizers that are very deadly even after a few weeks. I just looked it up also. I advise you to do the same, Robert Russell. ;)
Jerry Wiggins

Jerry Wiggins

Bad Deal with no easy solution :-(
Terrell Frisby

Terrell Frisby

So.. 2 things I have to say., After re-thinking it,. Contact Fish and Wildlife. If they don't want to do anything, then you should put it down, BUT i believe I'd have an atv with a nice winch before i'd start...
Jerry Fuller

Jerry Fuller

Reece Baker is right! Animal Control or the game warden should be notified.
Lloyd Sheldon

Lloyd Sheldon

Yep, I agree with Reece & Jerry. rope his antlers and tranquilize him and get him out and let him go.
john wing

john wing

lol... game warden would be the most likely answer for me.... animal control would contact the warden. Still a healthy buck... and not a cull, definately try to save him for better offspring.
Kelly McGowan

Kelly McGowan

who made the hole
Kellie Grabher

Kellie Grabher

There's no right or wrong answer. Just depends on the humanity of the person and their capabilities. Saving it would be a neat story. But killing for food isn't wrong. We do it to cows everyday. True it's not sportsmanly but neither is your McDonalds hamburger.
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