Alan Ralph Wheeler


Chainsaw for Locked Deer?

By 13 years ago

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This guy has a chainsaw to unlock these deer. What would you do to deal with this problem?


Alan Ralph Wheeler

Alan Ralph Wheeler

Well if he cuts the other deer's head off, won't this one just run off with it? This would be tough to deal with.
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

This just look like a disaster waiting to happen. I'm afraid there will be missing arms and antlers when the sound of the chainsaw gets next to these buck's heads.
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

That's a brave man right there.
ice master

ice master

DANG, the man has a chain saw stuck in his back and he still won't let go of his 2 deer!!!
ice master

ice master

or... You are about to break a nail...just saying...
matthew carlson

matthew carlson

actually these two bucks are so dam tired i bet they cut it jut fine they are just cutting a couple of parts of the horns
Martha Holland

Martha Holland

I think I would just mount them in that
David Decker

David Decker

On my grandparent's dairy farm we found 2 bucks the same way. And my father did the same thing. just cut the horns. Both bucks lived that day, It took both bucks awhile to walk away, but they both lived. But I will warn u don't try that if a buck is tangled in a fence. U'll get hurt. I say good job to both of them guys.
Jerry Wiggins

Jerry Wiggins

A chainsaw is very unforgiving, good luck to the two gentleman and the two deer, hope it all worked out for the best!
Jason Ferguson

Jason Ferguson

That is pretty crazy. I think I would do the same though.
Randy Combs

Randy Combs

i would mount them both and freeze the rest
Patrick Snell

Patrick Snell

I really wish I had the chance to do something like this, what an amazing experience
James Page

James Page

The smart thing to do would be to hog tie them first. Cut their antlers to separate them. Then untie them..
William Payne

William Payne

Thats an awsome problem to be in.
Charley Maynard

Charley Maynard

I would get my tranquilizer gun and knock them out and then unlock them
Ron Moore

Ron Moore

i saw a vid on youtube where i guy used a shotgun on blew the antlers apart he was arms reach away and it took two shots...i thank ifen it were me id lay them both down and use a big pair of bolt cutters ya can drop them and no one would get hurt ..all in all its a bad situation
bryce dickenson

bryce dickenson

if i saw this in stand id probably shoot one and get the chain saw for the other and that way i get both of the racks
Justin Mathew

Justin Mathew

I agree with charlie a tranquilizer would be best then u could cut the antlers with the csaw you get to racks without killing a deer that'd be a story to tell lol
Chris Wong

Chris Wong

You have to improvise when out in the woods. The one deer looks to be dead so really they only have to worry about not cutting one animals face. one guy if he laid on that size of buck would be enough to hold it down.
That chain saw is small in power as well, as long as one of them pinned down the alive deer I think it would be fine, even if it was still alive it looks near death or dead tired!!.
we have cut locked deers apart, works fine.
(keep in mind both animals at this point are very tired and weak one could assume)
Aaron P.

Aaron P.

Where's the video of this? That would be intense.
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Alan Ralph Wheeler

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