Eric Rogers


Buffalo Over Hunted

By 13 years ago

9129 views 5 comments

Buffalo sculls. It's good to know regulations and intelligence should prevent something like this from ever occurring again.


Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

I think it's good to show stuff like this. People need to see the difference in hunters from the past and hunters from today, which are regulated and now know the importance of conservation. Cool picture. Thanks for posting it.
Tom Crockett

Tom Crockett

Were people really that hungry? No. What a shame that the images like this one have influenced how hunters are regarded. It is, however, enlightning to see the destruction that unregulated hunting can bring.
It is also good to know that this will never happen again.
ice master

ice master

This had nothing to do with hunting. This had to do with extermination of Native Americans on the plains. How do you do that? Starve them and small pox blankets. That is what really happened. It was not about hunting. It was not about hides. It was not about "Buffalo Tongue" being a delicacy as I was taught is school. It was politics to get rid of the American Indian. What a tragedy.
James Verret

James Verret

im half native american (houma indian descent of louisiana) but people do it still today back in the 1920's people dug a spot where there was a burial ground for clams and they told the houmas there was no bodies here but they dug and found skeletons jewelry and pottery. Respect the first people thats all we have wanted.
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Eric Rogers

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