Eric Rogers


Big Northern Pike Biting Off More Than He Can Chew

By 13 years ago

13947 views 6 comments

Both northern pike and musky are on my bucket list. I've never caught either.


Jess Larche

Jess Larche

northern are a fantastic fight i haven't got a musky yet but they are bigger then pike so it cant be a bad thing lol
Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

now what's he gunna do
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

i dont think that he can eat lol well, never seen a fish it one as big as it lol
Robert Bowman

Robert Bowman

I'll show him he is in my space.
Grace Parker

Grace Parker

hmmm to big to eat... I know i'll put him on my wall right next the hand of the last sucker who tryed to take a hook out of my lip :)
Kellie Grabher

Kellie Grabher

Would that kill the bitten fish or just make him mad?
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Eric Rogers

13 years ago




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