Alan Ralph Wheeler


Bear Taking a Closer Look

By 12 years ago

4617 views 10 comments

That bear's too small to kill.


Hunt Man

Hunt Man

It's hard to tell how big it is.
Christina Blanken

Christina Blanken

I would be looking for mama....
Kellie Grabher

Kellie Grabher

HOPEFULLY pulling out my side arm.
Lloyd Sheldon

Lloyd Sheldon

Sadly, we can't carry side arms in Canada but as long as mama bear doesn't show up and get aggressive it could be interesting.
Bill Robins

Bill Robins

Keep on taking pictures and enjoy the opportunity that so few will ever know.
Jim P

Jim P

What the picture doesn't show... The cub's mother is on the ground and got a whif of the hunter and "woofed" telling her cub to climb the nearest tree. No danger to anyone, just be quiet and patient and they will both leave. This happens all the time.
Nordman Joe

Nordman Joe

its just a cub no biggie

John Watt

John Watt

I would get my phone out and start taking pictures

Jon Lalone

Jon Lalone

i would be looking for mama then i would have a bear skin rug and a pillow !!!!
Tim Maxim

Tim Maxim

I would just sit still and watch
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Alan Ralph Wheeler

Alan Ralph Wheeler

12 years ago



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