Zack Doyle


Arrow through hand

By 13 years ago

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This picture was floating around for awhile last year, and man would that ever hurt! Some knucklehead at Bass Pro Shops gave this first time archer an arrow that was too short, and this is the result. Lesson: Never ever ever buy a bow anywhere but a pro shop.


Ken Bass II

Ken Bass II

I had a similar accident almost happen ten years ago or so shooting an old Martin Phantom. I must have pulled harder than normal, and actually went pack my usual draw/anchor point. The arrow fell between the riser and the whisker biscuit and was pretty much wedged! I ended up smacking the heck out of the arrow to break it, and somehow dodged putting the broken shaft through my hand when I did! I now shoot arrows about two inches too long!
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

With modern compounds you shouldn't have that problem. Every compound bow currently on the market that I know of used for hunting purposes has some sort of draw stop, whether its a limb or cable contact point, or just pre-set cams or modules. You should never have that problem again. For 3D, I shoot arrows that come right to the insert on a blade style rest. For hunting, I always recommend the arrow is as long as the front of the riser, so in case your arrow were to fall off your rest (for non full containment rest shooters) you wont cut your hand with your broadhead.
Matt Hoffpauir

Matt Hoffpauir

Where is the "thumbs down" button! This image makes me nervous to shoot my bow now.
Mike Diggs

Mike Diggs

Yea,I've seen this before, and still say *&^%$#@!#$^((^&%(^&^%$%&^$%#@# OUCH!
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Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

13 years ago



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