
Zack Doyle


Conversation : question

By 13 years ago

2205 views 14 comments

What Weapon?

If you had to choose one weapon, and only one weapon, to hunt with for the remainder of your hunting career what would it be and why? For me, there's no doubt that my current compound bow, the Bear Carnage, would be my choice for life. There's no rush like the one bowhunting provides, and there's no animal you can't take with a bow. Longer seasons, better hunting opportunities, and a bigger challenge. I am an absolute bowhunting freak, and I don't see it changing anytime soon!


Hunt Man

Hunt Man

I've asked myself this question before. I think I would stick with one of my rifles. I'm not as good of a shot with a bow as you. .300 short mag. It can handle anything of size.
Matt Hoffpauir

Matt Hoffpauir

I guess the question could be approached from two directions. Which ONE weapon is your favorite to hunt with....or which ONE weapon is most versatile to hunt all of your favorite game. I choose to answer it the second way and go with a 12 gauge shotgun. Since I enjoy hunting birds, hogs and deer, this firearm would allow me to do all of that by just changing shells.

It's a very interesting "hypothetical" queston....but I sure hope I never have to choose JUST ONE hunting tool in my lifetime. I enjoy ALL my my guns and bows too much.
John Jackson

John Jackson

It depends on what and where I would be hunting. I'm with Matt on the shotgun. In general, I would say a Remington Versamax shotgun. You can get a huge variety of 12 ga shells and slugs to fit virtually all needs, except for very large or dangerous game (including zombies!). If you ask me to pick a rifle, it's going to be a Marlin .30-30 lever action or a .45-70. While it's certainly not a long range gun, good shot placement will allow you to use this rifle for pretty much any game animal in North America. For handgun, it would be the now out-of-production Colt King Cobra in a .357 magnum with at least a 6" barrel. It'll skin a rabbit with one shot and have enough gusto to bring down white tails within reasonable distance. (and zombies too)
Mike Richardson

Mike Richardson

Compound bow.
Dawson Wass

Dawson Wass

I agree with john about the where you are hunting and what you are hunting for big game such as moose and elk and bears i woould recomend a 12 guage shotgun with a rifled barrel and an optional barrel for deer and hogs and other varmit i would reccomed just a simple 22-250 works pretty well i have hunted with both weapons and i have a quite a bit of sucess with both of them especially with the 22-250 its a light and easy gun to handle it has little to no kick
Bryden Bryden

Bryden Bryden

For me it would be a my 270. I know it is a big round but I use it for deer hunting and coyote hunting.
Kelly Lewis

Kelly Lewis

Remington .30.06 all day long.
Todd Quinn

Todd Quinn

While I would love to say my bow, I feel that as I age I will at some point have to put it down. Loss of strength, arthritis, long time back troubles etc. will make it very difficult for me to draw it a few years down the road. So if I don't age, I will stick with my bow. As I know aging is happening I better stick with my old Winchester 12ga. I then can hunt Deer, birds, tree rats, predators, rabbits.... you get the picture.
rich schaefer

rich schaefer

A 12 ga shotgun would be the best since it is more versitile than a rifle and as stated before you can hunt just about anything you want with a goo shotgun
Jared Benson

Jared Benson

.338 win mag... My go to gun for everything.
james saal

james saal

12 gauge because you can use slugs and there are different sizes of shot for a very wide range of game.
Brent Mahagan

Brent Mahagan

30.06 big enough to take out a bear or moose but will still get the job done in Predator or deer. Plus can be used in the zombie apocalypse
Rick Rinehart

Rick Rinehart

Bow. no question. Hunting is more than the kill for me. Getting into the element of nature at its core and being successful with a bow is the ultimate reward. more effort more value and gain. i have shot many animals with guns of one type or another but when i look upon my wall its the bow hunts that always make me smile and ...."oh yeah I shot that one with a shotgun"
Matthew Meeks

Matthew Meeks

Id have to agree with the 12 gauge ONLY because of the versatility. As far a rifle goes, model 94 winchester in 30-30. Seven shot capacity will help make up for dead on accuracy past the 150 yard range.
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