
seth baker


Conversation : question

By 13 years ago

2077 views 14 comments

Is QDR destroying the sport

I recently ahot my first buck ans deer with a bow and it was a nice 7point basket rack and i got not congrats for killing my first buck with a bow but i got criticized for shooting a buck that was too young. What happen to the daya when a deer harvestes was met with congrats on a great hunt. QDR has its place but when it is a mile stone deer or a first give the person the congrats on a great hunt.


Hunt Man

Hunt Man

I know in some states that have a two buck limit, will put a minimum size on one but not the other. Especially not a 7 point. I don't know what it is about 7 but my first three bucks were 7 points. Congrats on the buck! Did you drop and image of it?
seth baker

seth baker

No i dont have one my first son was born that night so i had to gut it drop it off at and take the wife to the hospital smelling like deer blood and in camo. lol
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

I was out scouting recently and am allergic to bees and got stung by 8 the other day. I went straight from the woods to the hospital bed. I had hay strings for shoe laces and smelled like dead hog. I think they were worried if I was going to have insurance of not.
Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

Thats horrible, Congrats on the deer and the baby boy. My first was a big old doe and noone paid attention or congratulated me except my family. Hunting isn't what it used to be when my grandparents were hunting. But hey. it means something to you and thats what matters.
Roy Burkhart III

Roy Burkhart III

My first was a Very small 8 point. I killed i when i was 8 years old. with my dads .243, yes it was young and small, but no one said anything about that. They made me feel like i had killed a trophy, as it should be for anyone on there first deer !!! So I have to say congrats to you my friend, no matter the size !!!
John Jackson

John Jackson

I am in favor of passing on young deer and going for the older harvest. Saying that, if you're shooting a "milestone" animal then there is no problem. The people who I have issue with shooting young breeders are the experienced hunters who consistently shoot the first thing with horns they see. They don't want to have to spend more than one trip to the woods to get that buck. Congrats on your first with a Bow and congrats on your child being born!
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

I certainly wouldn't say higher standards are ruining the sport. If anything, it's making the sport better. There's nothing wrong with shooting a small or immature buck, particularly when it's your first buck with a bow. Any deer with a bow is a great accomplishment, and everyone has to start somewhere. The first buck I killed with my bow was a spike when I was 13. Even though I ended up killing a 150+ inch buck later that year as well with a bow, I still killed some immature bucks here in Pennsylvania after. It wasn't until I turned 17 or 18, had killed nearly 100 deer, and a handful of pope and young caliber animals that I started to be much more selective. Today I wont kill a buck unless he is at least 3 years of age. In some of the areas I hunt, you could literally kill a 2 year old buck two or three times a week if you wanted to. At this point I am looking for a challenge, and I get it by killing older age class deer. I have spent quite a bit of time guiding youth hunters to their first deer and turkeys. These youth hunters aren't out after a giant buck, just any deer will do. You have to start somewhere, you have to get experience somewhere, and you have to hunt according to your personal goals. It doesn't matter what other people think or say. If you've accomplished a personal goal, you're that much closer to accomplishing the next one. Not everyone can hunt prime properties with booners around every tree like the perception is on television. Those guys have a leg up on the average hunter, but they also hunt incredibly hard and make big sacrifices to kill the bucks they do. So again, hunting comes down to achieving personal goals. You accomplished something that most hunters wont ever accomplish, and that is to kill a whitetail buck with a bow. You would be surprised how many hunters go their entire lives and don't even see one. Congratulations, keep at it, set new goals, and the bucks will get bigger.
Robert Clements

Robert Clements

Congrats on your first bow harvest,and congrats on the son!!! AND...Thank You for the service you do for all of us as a member of our milirary! The size of the rack is not what matters... it's the experience of the hunt. I've bowhunted for years myself, and it took me two yrs to get a good shot at a deer with my bow. It was a 160 lb cowhorn, but it was as important to me as the 12 pt I took with a rifle. Hunt because you ENJOY it,and don't worry about what the guy says who goes home empty handed!!!
Harold Bowman

Harold Bowman

Congrats Seth. That is one of the biggest problems I've been seeing the past couple of years and one of the reasons we are losing the younger generation hunters. So many FATHERS are telling their young hunters no don't shoot that one wait for the Big one. If it's a legal buck let the kid shoot it. I was brought up its meat in the freezer. I don't hunt for horns, I pull at least 5 doe permits a year and I buy no meat in the store. I'm 60 years young and take Jr. hunters out on Pheasant and grouse hunts and teach hunter safety and good sportsmanship to these kids. But I have seen a lot lose interest because their fathers want them to shoot the big one and their fathers get angery when they would rather sit at home playing video games instead of hunting. So again Seth congrats on the deer and your first born.
seth baker

seth baker

Thanks to all of the congrats. i know when i grew up that you didnt shoot anything that you werent plan to eat. So hunting for me has a different meaning. now i am no longer poor so i dont have to rely on wild game so it is still a new thing for me to hunt for sport and food.
Carlos De Valdes

Carlos De Valdes

Congrats on any legal hunt.......,
Danno Curfman

Danno Curfman

Congrats on your first buck!

Brandon touched on the subject of minimum size. Pennsylvania implemented size limits a few years back. The area I hunt in PA limit is 8 points and it has made a world of distant in the size and quality of bucks there.
seth baker

seth baker

I can see that but the state of GA has no minimum size on the first buck of the.year.also on public lands there is no good QDR.
Olivia St. James

Olivia St. James

Congrats on the deer. In Vermont, if it's brown it's down. Well my first hunt was this past year, and I got a 108lb doe. I got a lot of congrats for it. So now my nick name is the great white hunter. I got the first deer, and my brother got squat, so of course they gave him a lot of crap for letting his sister out rank him.
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