Zack Doyle


Locked Bucks

By 13 years ago

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It has always amazed me that two bucks can lock antlers and not be able to separate, but for three bucks to do it...thats just incredible. This happened not too far from where I hunt in Ohio, and all three were giants.


Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

I've seen this picture before and one other set of three locked up. I would guess the odds of locking up increase as the antlers get bigger.
Joshua Nearhoof

Joshua Nearhoof

shhhhh dont let our hunting spot get out lol
John Jackson

John Jackson

There was a fellow at the Land and Wildlife Expo in Nashville, TN last year who had two HUGE bucks in full-body mount locked together. He'd found them the same way.
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Monster Bucks!

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Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

13 years ago




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