
Nick McPherson


Conversation : product

By 13 years ago

3405 views 6 comments

Martin Exile

I have shot many bows and I know everyone has opinions but I love it. I was curious though. I have an 8in Octane stabilizer on it and I was curious if anyone had gone to a longer one and had better success? I don't feel a need to change it but hay it never hurts to have extra parts in case something happens and I need it.


Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

I shoot the 11 inch Octane, and have for awhile. I won the IBO World Championships shooting it, and countless other shoots. I switch back and forth between that and a 7.5 inch stabilizer depending on what and where I am hunting. It really wont make much of a difference, but if you are doing some 3D shooting, go as long as your shooting class will allow.

One thing I do notice about this picture however, is that your draw length looks too long, and you have some grip form issues. I cant see your lower body, but you appear very stretched out and appear to be leaning back into the draw length. I would go to your pro shop and have them take a look at you shooting the bow, and adjust draw length accordingly. I think an inch shorter is probably the ticket. Take a look at some of the pictures I posted on my 3D archery board. They should help you visualize form a bit better. You can also visit my blog, where I've written several articles about form in general, and specifically grip form. If you get your bow fitted, and work on your form, you'll see your groups shrink like you can't imagine, particularly past 30 yards.

Here are articles on grip form and general form
Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

Wow thank you so much. I never realized that I leaned until you made the observation. Its an honor to get pointers from you personally like this. I was curious as to where i should be feeling the rest on my cheek and I'm sure that I need to keep my back straight. Thank you so much and I will gladly take any other tips you have
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Read those two articles, practice what you read there at very close ranges, focus entirely on building new muscle memory and form, and you'll improve literally overnight. Another thing I noticed now that you mentioned it is the string contacting your cheek. Your string should not be contacting your face anywhere other than right on the tip of your nose. It too can cause inconsistency and inaccuracy. Focus on good posture, a proper relaxed grip like the one pictured in my article, and a consistent tip of the nose anchor point. Everything you really need to know as far as general form goes is outlined on my blog. Another article there is about Target Panic, which may or may not apply to you, but practicing your new form in the manner I describe in that article will help you create consistency. Doing things the same way, every time, is so key when it comes to accuracy. Having someone take pictures and video of you when you shoot is an awesome way to analyze your form flaws. A picture cant show your release and follow through like video will. You can make changes and map your progress with more videos. Private messaging will be up and running on this site soon, and when it is, if you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask me. Thats what Im here for. Ill always be more than happy to help you out. You can also email me at [email protected]
Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

Thank you so much I shortened my draw a little over an inch and my pattern was tighten.. I shot 8 arrows and adjusted my sight barely and Im hitting dead on at 15 30 and 45 yards.. I cannot thank you enough.. From the new grip to the draw.. you just made my season!!
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

You are very welcome. I'm always happy to help. Although I'm only 23, I've been very fortunate to work along side the best archery technicians in the world, and also shoot amongst the best archers in the world on the biggest stages. In that period of time, I've learned an awful lot. My passion is archery, and sharing my knowledge with others is something I take a lot of pride in. Any time I can help someone out, I'll do my best to give them my professional opinion, and whether they choose to take it is their decision. I'm glad my suggestions had such a big impact on your shooting, and I hope it also has a big impact on your archery hunting success in the future. Again, if you ever have any questions, technical or gear oriented, please don't hesitate to ask me! Hopefully I get to see a drop in the Hunt section of a big buck with your name on it this year!
Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

Ok I shot all weekend from the ground and I climbed up in my stand and I am still shocked at how much better im shooting. I may not be able to feel my arm... but YOU ARE THE MAN!!!
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