
Wayne Craig


Conversation : picture

By 12 years ago

8723 views 19 comments

Deer Photo

Want to know what everybody thinks about this picture! Is it real of fake?


Hunt Man

Hunt Man

I'm pretty proficient in photoshop and can say it's almost impossible to tell. Especially with this small file size. You just have to play detective. How often does an arrow not pass through on a good shot like that? Have you ever seen a deer jump that high after an arrow impact? I could see it being real.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

I could also see it being real. I've seen some trail camera videos of deer being shot. Due to the forward angle of the arrow, it probably hit the leg bone and didn't exit. Even with the kind of energy cranking out of my bows, there are still times when I don't get pass throughs. This past year was a prime example. A steep 8 yard shot that hit the off leg hard, snapped the leg bone, but didn't exit. This picture could be real for sure, but with it being so small, it could also be fake. Pretty hard to tell, but a cool picture either way.
Matt Hoffpauir

Matt Hoffpauir

I vote REAL. I'd buck that high too if someone stuck me in the shoulder with a Carbon Express.
John Jackson

John Jackson

Just a little bit graphic. If you're trying to convince new hunters to join our ranks, especially women and children, probably best they don't start off seeing photos like that.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

I disagree. I'm not one to try and sugarcoat anything. I've introduced numerous youth and female hunters to the sport, and this is what hunting is. There will be blood, and if you're behind the weapon, you're going to see an impact shot. New hunters need to understand the responsibility that comes along with hunting. You're not only responsible for making the most ethical shot possible, which this is a great example of, if you kill something, you're responsible for cleaning it. This is real life, and hiding it is what the animal rights groups are looking for. I'm not saying we should show blood and guts everywhere. We need to be slightly reserved, but also real.
Battle  Scraps

Battle Scraps

I agree with Zack. I especially hate when shows walk up to a "perfect laying, no blood" animal that is just setup for the camera. I have no problem with cleaning up an animal and then doing an interview, but let us know thats what your doing, besides its the only way to get an "original" reaction the first time you walk up to your animal, blood and awkward position and all. But unless your going to teach a new hunter all they do is pay to pull the trigger and someone else does all the work, even hold the rack for you, well then its needs to be shown for what it is, hunting and killing and eating. Oh, and maybe the photo is real, we actually have a very similar picture from a deer shot on Battle Scraps in Season 1. I'll have to post it on here sometime.
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

Since I've grown up around it, I don't think twice or really even notice if there's blood in an image. I'll probably convert my images with blood, to black and white before I post them, just to remain somewhat neutral and because I like black and white photos. I like that John brought up the concern and I like some of the points Zack made as well.
John Jackson

John Jackson

I agree but this particular freeze frame strikes me as graphic and I've been hunting all my life. Don't sugar coat anything but also don't jump feet first into shock and awe either.
Wayne Craig

Wayne Craig

I personally find this picture very interesting and like Zack and Battle Scraps were saying, kids are going to see this at some point if they hunt. If something like this scares a kid out of hunting I personally probably would not want to take that kid hunting because the bloody graphic you see when you actually harvest an animal is far worse than this.
Tom Bennett

Tom Bennett

I agree that if your going to try to bring in a new hunter you should not sugar coat it by letting them think that it is all clean and such because we all know that this is not the case , they need to know that when you get in the field that there is going to be blood and not a pretty sight , on the other hand you don't need to show them the most gory pic that you can find , just be real with them so its not shock and awe for them
David Diveley

David Diveley

Probably real.
Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

Im going with real on that one.
Tim Maxim

Tim Maxim

It looks real to me. Yea guys I agree don't sugar coat nothing. when my son shot his first Virginia buck when he was 13 he did the field dressing himself . the look on his face when I told him "reach up in there and pull it all out" was priceless. He did it and is still doing it.
Marica Countrygrl

Marica Countrygrl

That's great Tim, I cant wait to get my boys out with me... I totally agree with everyone with Not sugar coating. Being prepared is better than being shocked and not wanting to enjoy the hunt.
Sharlane Morrison

Sharlane Morrison

I think that pic could very much be real. Either way, I find it an interesting pic. I'm a girl hunter and I find this pic very tame compared to some situations I've seen. Don't sugar coat it one bit, If you can't handle the consequence of your actions, you shouldn't be doing them in the first place. That doesn't just apply to hunting, but life in general. The world needs a few less sissies. And yes, I got three kids age 6 and under and they've all seen the blood and gore of killing, field dressing and butchering. My little girl is looking forward to the day she can shoot her first deer. But first, they need to learn respect, even for the animal they will eventually kill.
Priscilla StandageMilligan

Priscilla StandageMilligan

i think it is real and for being too graphic!!!!!! If my kids are gonna hunt they need to see it before they experience it, thats just my opinion!!...nice pic
ice master

ice master

A deer does not react that way when it is hit in that spot. Ears are positioned like a dead ear. There are multiple shadows of the arrows meaning more than on light source. Angle of the arrow would have been a pass through before the blood appeared. FAKE!
matthew carlson

matthew carlson

ok ice man since you think you know everything here is an eye opener. i have seen deer jump that high when shot with an arrow and a gun so you cant say deer act a specific way when hit in certain spot. two you say the ears arent right um have you ever even shot a deer 75 % the time they drop there ears back when they take of running at a dead run. and for the multiple shadows of the arrow if you actually use your computer and zoom in on it there is one shadow to the side and the one down is actually blood running. and for the angle of the pass threw and all that you gata lok at all factors poundage on the bow distance it was actually shot did it hit the opposite side leg and yes blood is almost instant especially on a good heart shot do some research on shit before going all negative i been hunting since i was little and everything u said is wrong with the pic is easily thrown out the window.
Kellie Grabher

Kellie Grabher

Too graphic for women & children???? I disagree! If you ever plan to hunt, then you better plan to gut. Women batting their eyelashes only works once! Trust me! If you can't handle the little blood drip in this picture, then return immediately to your Knitting class! You want to scare somebody? I'll tell you how to scare somebody. Show them a picture of somebody dragging a 200 pound slob of a buck a mile uphill!
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