By Will Alexander 13 years ago
Texas 10279 views 18 comments
Can anyone tell what this bobcat has? He's one of the biggest I've seen.
Dropped onto the board:
13 Drops
Originally Dropped by:
Will Alexander
13 years ago
Tags: 2016
Tags: see, you, next, season
Tags: buck, gameacamera, white-tailed-deer, food, deer
Tags: white-tailed-deer
Tags: kitty, big, hybrid
Tags: bobcat
Tags: white-tailed-deer, deer, buck
Will Alexander
Looks like a big rabbit to me.Michael Robertson
If it's a rabbit, it's a big one.Brian Newman
I can't tell. What if it was another bobcat? I wonder if these big male bobcats would eat others. Anyone know?Kellie Grabher
It looks soft like a rabbit but if he's got it by the neck it seems maybe some kind of quail? Mystery....??Mike Thibert
I'd say that a beaver or a groundhogJames Hoffman
it looks like arabbit allsoRichard Rezabek
I know, BIG TEETH.Ron Moore
looks like its a ground hog ..ya can just make out the stubby lil tail..Richard Rezabek
I do not think it is a rabbit, He looks like he has it by the tail, but I can't make out the rest of it.Guy Blake Sr.
I agree with Mike looks to me like a groundhogRobert Troff
Groundhog for sure way to big for a rabbit.Brian Newman
groundhog sounds right to meSteve Dodson
ground hog or woodchuckLee Ginder
groundhog too big for a rabbit and not the right shapeWoodrow W
I've gotta go with groundhog.Canadian AvidHunter
Looks like a rabbit to me. Hair is too long for a groundhog and too big for one as well. Quail no as well. No feathering visible and coloration in wrong.Great pic! :)
Ted Bobarsky III
looks like an owlRyan Kulinski
how much wood could a wood chuck chuck?