Will Alexander


What does this big bobcat have?

By 13 years ago

Texas 10279 views 18 comments

Can anyone tell what this bobcat has? He's one of the biggest I've seen.


Will Alexander

Will Alexander

Looks like a big rabbit to me.
Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

If it's a rabbit, it's a big one.
Brian Newman

Brian Newman

I can't tell. What if it was another bobcat? I wonder if these big male bobcats would eat others. Anyone know?
Kellie Grabher

Kellie Grabher

It looks soft like a rabbit but if he's got it by the neck it seems maybe some kind of quail? Mystery....??
Mike Thibert

Mike Thibert

I'd say that a beaver or a groundhog
James Hoffman

James Hoffman

it looks like arabbit allso

Richard Rezabek

Richard Rezabek

I know, BIG TEETH.
Ron Moore

Ron Moore

looks like its a ground hog ..ya can just make out the stubby lil tail..
Richard Rezabek

Richard Rezabek

I do not think it is a rabbit, He looks like he has it by the tail, but I can't make out the rest of it.
Guy Blake Sr.

Guy Blake Sr.

I agree with Mike looks to me like a groundhog
Robert Troff

Robert Troff

Groundhog for sure way to big for a rabbit.
Brian Newman

Brian Newman

groundhog sounds right to me
Steve Dodson

Steve Dodson

ground hog or woodchuck
Lee Ginder

Lee Ginder

groundhog too big for a rabbit and not the right shape
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

I've gotta go with groundhog.
Canadian AvidHunter

Canadian AvidHunter

Looks like a rabbit to me. Hair is too long for a groundhog and too big for one as well. Quail no as well. No feathering visible and coloration in wrong.
Great pic! :)
Ted Bobarsky III

Ted Bobarsky III

looks like an owl
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

how much wood could a wood chuck chuck?
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Will Alexander

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