Zack Doyle


More bucks from the new property

By 12 years ago

Pennsylvania 2856 views 4 comments

  • More bucks from the new property
  • More bucks from the new property
  • More bucks from the new property
  • More bucks from the new property
  • More bucks from the new property
  • More bucks from the new property
  • More bucks from the new property
  • More bucks from the new property
  • More bucks from the new property

A few new bucks showed up on my new farm. This set was about 500 yards away from the last pictures I posted. The big 8 pointer pictured here could be the same as the big 8 from before, but none of these pictures show him off well. Looks like its going to be a great season!


chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Hope you get him Zack. Look's like another trophy for you.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

I sure hope I get one of em. This nice 8 point isn't the same as the one I got pictures of last week. There's 3 definite shooters running around that I've seen so far, and I've got their core area figured out now, so the odds are in my favor.
Mike Richardson

Mike Richardson

didn't take you very long to get on them in daylight bro!
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Nah, I was pretty sure they were coming from this area. I cant even begin to tell you how thick it is. I was hanging a stand right after I pulled this card, about 20 yards from this spot, and had a big buck make a scrape and a big 9 point walk almost right under me while I was putting in steps. 630pm.
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Dropped onto the board:

Monster Bucks!

40 Drops

Originally Dropped by:

Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

12 years ago




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