Kyle Head


big 10 and tall 8

By 13 years ago

1583 views 5 comments

Just moved to North Carolina. found some land to hunt on and these are the biggest buck ive ever had on my camera and pretty excited to hunt these bucks!!


Kelly Lewis

Kelly Lewis

Nice bucks.
Kyle Head

Kyle Head

Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Yeah theyre both looking real good. The 10 is definitely mature. Appears to be a 4 year old, and a shooter for sure. The 8 should have another year if the hunting pressure in that area is low.
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

what part of NC? Hope they dont dog hunt there?
Kyle Head

Kyle Head

Zack - yeah right now there both shooters the property I'm hunting on next year is going to be all into a housing development which sucks! Lol. Thanks for the input tho!! Ryan- nope no one dog hunts me and my father in law are the only ones that hunt it
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Kyle Head

13 years ago

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