Zack Doyle


A few PA bucks

By 13 years ago

Pennsylvania 2654 views 4 comments

  • A few PA bucks
  • A few PA bucks
  • A few PA bucks
  • A few PA bucks
  • A few PA bucks

Here's a few really nice bucks from my home state. The buck in the 4th picture looks like an absolute hog, but I never laid eyes on him, or got a better picture.


Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

He does look big. Almost looks non-typical.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

I thought the same thing. Looks like he has some junk. The picture was taken during the beginning of the rut, so who knows what happened to him.
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

Maybe he's still around. One year bigger and waiting on you.
Todd Quinn

Todd Quinn

you have some real nice looking bucks running around. How bout you send me the address and I will help you with deer problem there !
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Monster Bucks!

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Originally Dropped by:

Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

13 years ago




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