
Hunter Benson


Conversation : question

By 12 years ago

2043 views 13 comments

what whould be better for a deer huntin gun a 7mm 30-06 or a 300 or a 308

can you tell me what you think im in michigan and it is pretty thick up here so plesse give me a answer thatnks


Tailor Benjamin

Tailor Benjamin

I think that your best bet would be the 30-06. I live in Michigan and it can get pretty thick in the swamps and stuff, also a 30-06 could be used to hunt the fields also.
Dalton Fanning

Dalton Fanning

I'm 14 and I use a 300 weatherby, it may be a heavy type gun but it knocks down anything you aim at from 0-500 yards.
luke valletta

luke valletta

30-06 soft point i live in michigan and that is what i use.
Aaron Coleman

Aaron Coleman

thick stuff is moderately short range (less than 200yds) at any given time. a marlin 336 in 30-30cal. will be sufficient, and lighter
Travis Bowers

Travis Bowers

.30-06 or .308 is your best bet for sure. Good range(if it presents itself), good for the thick stuff, ammo is cheaper, good power and less recoil.
Derek Taussig

Derek Taussig

30-30 best brush gun IMO otherwise I shoot a Remington 700 .270.
kevin eichensehr

kevin eichensehr

i agree with the 30-30. i hunt in pa and thats what i use, my dad uses a .308 and its another great gun
Tim Black

Tim Black

I live in PA and most of the guys I hunt with use 30-30 and 30-06. Depending on the range and Game you might hunt then I would say a 30-06 will be your best decision or the 300 due to the option of hunting multiple species of North American Game with either gun. If you hunt bear a 30-30 isnt to small a caliber but I would rather have a 30-06 or a 300 then a 30-30 if I was shooting a big black bear. The 30-06 has proven itself to me on multiple occasions and I can hold a group inside a quarter at 200yrds with a bench rest.
Dennis Howard

Dennis Howard

i think the 308 would be a very fine deer gun should be very good in thick brush
Ben Raney

Ben Raney

i use the .308 in very thick brush up in parry sound ontario canada and it works great for deer,it can also reach out to 200 yards no problem with a scope.great gun
Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson

i think the 270 is the right track i hunt in virginia in thick stuff and my remington 700 has exceeded expectations. anything that walks out can hit the ground with it. my father hunts with a remington 8mm magnum if you want something with a little more reach and stopping power. little more kick but definately worth the end result.
mitch henry

mitch henry

if its thick i would just go with a shotgun, those slugs rip through everything,i shot my buck with a 20 gauge remington 870 with core lock sabot slugs at 50 yards, i was in the bush, if you look on my wall with me and my deer you will see the stuff the slug went through
Tye Gruber

Tye Gruber

actually a 7mm-08 is my choice of gun it is a 308 neck down to a 7mm and has very little recoil
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