
Joseph Ewing


Conversation : question

By 12 years ago

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Should you take a young child hunting with you?

No really, me and my father took out my little sister, who is at the age of twelve, hunting. She had to go and use the bathroom back out in the camp. While she was gone, we found an eight point buck sitting in a clearing with two does. We were about to get to full draw on him when my sister comes out of nowhere and asks, in a really loud voice, "So what are you guys doing?" Needless to say, the buck and does took off, and we have not seen them ever since.


Olivia St. James

Olivia St. James

Well that's very considerate. I've been trying to hunt for three years now. It finally took my woods hop teacher to take me out. And without him I wouldn't have gotten my 108lb. doe. I actually hunt better than my brother. I took my cousin out for bow season. She's 9 and she got a 200lb. 4 point buck. So think before you make a judgement on one sex whatever the age!
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

It really does depend on the girl but let's take sex out of it and just say a youngster that doesn't hunt. It's going to depend on a few things. If after a couple hours hunting they truly don't get it or enjoy it, lesson learned and don't take them again. But yes, give them a shot to see if they like it. I've been there when a girl intentionally scared off some deer when I took her hunting. Life is a lot better when you can find a little humor in it and let it roll off your back. But I definitely never took her hunting a second time.
Joseph Ewing

Joseph Ewing

Thanks for all the comments guys. Sorry if this insults anybody, just asking the question. And Olivia, sorry, like I said, not trying to insult anyone here. That is just what I thought of for the title. But thank you for putting me in my place. That is what I like, someone who is not afraid to speak their mind to others. And who knows, maybe she will get a deer this year. And scare mine off. :)
Ed Vaughan Hunting Service

Ed Vaughan Hunting Service

I'm a girl. I love to hunt, and I have since I was very young. I even guide hunters for my grandfather now. But some people really just don't get it regardless of sex.
franki G

franki G

Some years back, something very similar happened to my boyfriend, he was in his tree stand and had a nice big buck in perfect view and range for a shot to be made, when out of nowhere he hears 'HEY DID YOU SEE THAT DEER?' in a male voice. Before I go on with this, I should tell you that these boys, while they were teens and minors in the eyes of the law, were not only older than your little sister, old enough to grasp the concept of hunting and were themselves carrying guns.
He jumped down out of his stand and proceeded to lay into these boys, (who played dumb. and blamed it on somebody else, a phantom),
Should you take your sister hunting again? Hell yes, you should. This was her first time out I'm assuming and she is allowed to make mistakes, as long as she is able to learn from those mistakes and she needs to respect the hunters who are around her, Explain to her that deer are not deaf and they tend to be spooked of human voices. Besides, other deer are bound to come along.
And in short my opinion is no, gender should not be an issue here, the issue should be teaching the child to understand and respect the sport and those around him/her.
Joseph Ewing

Joseph Ewing

Well thank you Franki. I think I should change this title now, probably will too. And too let everyone know, we have taken her hunting again now. She actually filled her doe tag this year and did not spook any game, during archery season here in PA, which I think is saying something since we were stalking the game.
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