
Warrior Outdoors


Conversation : question

By 13 years ago

1634 views 6 comments

Im looking at trying to be a paid pro hunter.

Any ideas on how to get started. i guess my nitch you could say is i am a marine vet and i have been hunting for 13 yrs.


seth baker

seth baker

Make a resumay of your hunting experiances and hunting expertise. send it to big sportsman company's and ask for sponsorship. i did just that and got sponsored to shoot archery.
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

thank you. i will start on that this weekend.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

I don't want to discourage you or crush your dreams, but there truly is no such thing as a paid hunter, unless you are being paid to hunt pests like feral hogs. The television personalities you see hunting all over the world on TV are not paid for their television shows. They make the majority of their money through advertising on both television and their websites or blogs, public appearances, seminars, product representation, etc. They're not actually paid to hunt. Most television shows are here today and gone tomorrow simply because they are backed solely by the income of the hunters creating it. Almost every outdoor personality also has a day job behind the scenes. Many of the bigger names own outdoor companies, or were very successful in other industries before starting television shows. Take names like Drury, Kisky, Jordan, Reeves, Lakosky, Zaitz, etc...they were all successful people before you saw them on television and had money to back their shows. Waddell was a competitive turkey caller and found his fame that way. Sponsors will typically not pay you to use their products, unless you are a competitive shooter like I was, and of course winning. Discounted gear, and in some cases free gear is what you can expect from a sponsorship or staff position, along with the contingency money for winning some sort of competition. I've spent alot of time and energy contacting companies, and have been on a number of pro staffs over the past few years. I have also spent alot of time talking with folks who have television shows, and unless you go ahead and start your own or have a very close friend who starts their own, you won't get very far. Again, even the guys who start their own shows aren't paid, they just receive free gear and create some income from advertising. Commercial advertising goes to the television station. It is a very difficult industry to break into, and you're better off trying to brand yourself as something different than anything that is out there right now. It's one of those situations you have to take into your own hands, and make it happen for yourself. If people were being paid to hunt, there would be a whole lot more of them.
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

zack doyle. thank you for your input it has been very helpful. i would like to talk to you more about this on a more personal level maybe on the phone or in person. if you have the time. i do have ideas that i think are good and how to brand myself but no one to talk to about it. not a tv standpoint but more more of a side business.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Why don't you email me at [email protected] and we can talk more about it in private. The messaging system isn't quite finished for HuntDrop yet so you can reach me there. I can probably tell you just about anything you could want to know if you have questions or ideas. I can also try to point you in the right direction as far as getting started. There are a few simple things you can do to just start getting your name out there.
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

ok i will email you in a little bit..........after supper. :)
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