
Hunter Stewart


Conversation : question

By 12 years ago

2276 views 13 comments

if there was a deer at 75 yards and u had a bow would u shoot it?

i was coming out today and there was a massive 7 point. it was at about 75 yards. i did not shoot it because i did not want to take the risk of wounding it. would u have done the same?


seth baker

seth baker

That is a question more for your abilities if you feel that you can shoot accurately and make an ethical shot then sure shoot if not you did the right thing
Hunter Stewart

Hunter Stewart

i have never treid a shot tht far so i am glad i held off.
Jason Jackie

Jason Jackie

no, that would not be a ethical shot imo, but that's just me. Why would you, get a deer in close 30 yards then take it. Prepare, practice, and be patient...75 yards is crazy far.
cory schneider

cory schneider

seen elk shot at 70 yards with a martin mag cat....... even seen a mule deer taken at one hundred yards on tv.... if you can trust tour shot and do it repitivly time aftre time its ok. keep it clean and ethical though!
craig tash

craig tash

i have heard of people hitting dear and elk from 80 yards away--dead on hits too,,,its true,,its more about ability then the weapon itself. you should set up targets the size of 12 leaders--80 yards away,,and if you can hit around the same area--in the middle,,at least 60 of 100 times,,you can hit the deer that far away then,,,,just remember,,,power and aiming skills are both needed.
David Shearer

David Shearer

I can say it is up to your abilities, I went to Africa and was told our shoots would be up to 45rds. My first shoot was 65yrds at a Bless Buck and it was my first long range shoot, when it went down I was on top of the world. So it never hurts to move your targets a few yars back a littlow.e at a time see what you can learn about you and your b
Tim Maxim

Tim Maxim

shooting at a deer at 75 yards w/ a bow? NO. that wold be like pulling a rabbit out of a hat! Bow hunting to me is an up close/personal thing. If your going to shoot that distance you might as well put down the bow and wait for gun season. "We all owe to the game we hunt a quick clean kill"
Derek Taussig

Derek Taussig

I can shoot a 75 yard shot confidently but the conditions would all have to right for me to take it.
douglas bobbitt

douglas bobbitt

i would but i have been bow hunting since i was 12 i think it is your ability more then a ethical question
Matthew Lichti

Matthew Lichti

i'm accurate at 55 yards so i think i'd take a shot!!! i havre to make sure to aim a bit higher
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

to many variables at that range! Targets dont move when they hear a noise !
Nathan Schiefelbein

Nathan Schiefelbein

i have an HHA bow sight so i am dead on at 50 so i would just have to turn it to my 70 yard make and i would nail it every time
john bartley

john bartley

i just shot a deer 2 nights ago at 65 yards but if you are not confident in a human kill wait like i tell the younger guy i hunt with shoot when you feel comfortable and be swift you are out there to put food on the table first, i have never trophy hunted
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