Where do you park your ATV / UTV when you're hunting? Just curious to see what the HuntDrop community thinks on this topic. Check out this brief guide by the team over at www.gearup2go.com and let me ...
Just saw big cat out by Centennial Watershed State Park - Redding/Newtown CT line. How big do these bad boys get? This one was brownish spotted and about 4-5 feet long, stood about 2.5 feet. Photo signs ...
I've been out every day for the past week in eastern ky. I've not seen much activity.
So I was lucky this year and was drawn for a Vermont moose tag. This is going to be my first time hunting a moose. I live in a very rural area, and the tag is assigned to my area. I have permission to ...
im looking for a trac of land to lease out next year and looking for about 50-100 acres to lease. i have started hunting this year and im looking in the areas of ashe, caldwell, watagua, avery, taylorsville, ...
I have been looking for a new broad head this year and i have basically narrowed it down to rage or thunderheads but I'm willing to change any thoughts?
I think it may be very convenient. You can easily compare prices in different countries and find your dream hunting. Your opinion is highly needed!
i started shooting archery about a yr ago i need to know what a good maximum distance is. right now i only shot 40-45 yards is this a good distance to hunt or should i stretch it out a lil more.
this is my first year shed hunting and have not found any yet if any one has some tips or if they have found any in the New England area please let me know thanks B-RY
It is proven that hunters, fishermen and outdoorsmen and women in general are the greatest conservationists. If you want to be more involved or get some good ideas for your home state, check out the Tennessee ...
Friend and myself are going to Newfounland next fall. We are driving and trying to figure out how much room we will need if we both get a moose. Does anyone have insight on a good way to get them home? ...
i have been hunting the same 20 acres of land for the past 6 to 7 years in past it has been a fairly good place to hunt and provided many great meals for the dinner table. but in that short amount of ...
Mike Diggs
Personally I prefer Horton fury havocs, I've never shot one (can't afford it) but at the store I Liked the way the weight feels being a reverse draw, I have arthritic shoulders and multple sclerosis so the weight out on the front aint the best. Also i've always heard better things about hortons than any other brandsRoy Burkhart III
Horton is the way to go !!! I bought one back in High school and it is still as dependable and accurate as ever, that was back in about 2001. plus they have a lifetime parts replacement, you dont even have to be the origanal owner, so if you buy used your still good to go. The strings actually sit about the thickness of a dollar bill above the riser, so you get alot longer string life as well !!! I shoot the Legend SL. amazing bow, we can split arrows at 40 + yards !!!