
niko cousins


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By 13 years ago

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How to get bucks out.

Anyone know how to get a buck to come out during the day if he only comes out during night time?


Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

This is almost impossible, and your only chance of killing a nocturnal buck is during the rut when he might slip up and chase a hot doe, or if you were to put on a deer drive and push him out of his bedding area. Another opportunity could arise in the late season. I dont know how cold it gets in your area, but in frigid late season climates, many times mature bucks will hit their feet to feed during daylight hours when its crazy cold. You can also try rattling and mock scrapes during pre rut to see if he may react on a dominance instinct.
Jordan Wenkman

Jordan Wenkman

x2 on the rattling and mock scrapes, if you can use a decoy. Goodluck!!

jeff Anderson

jeff Anderson

appeal to the the does, small foodplot where they feel safe.
david stillo

david stillo

there are several ways to get a buck out during the day,scouting him first is the most important(bedding area,where he hangs out the most,his escape patterns,HIS RUBS N SCRAPES,ok methods to pull him out during the day...spray 2 weeks in advance of deer hunting his rubs n scrapes with BUCK n doe urine..also hunt one of his most used rubs,scrapes and Always hang a deer dripper right above his scrapes,use gloves,don't leave trash or anything he can pick up your scent off of or he will be gone,also picture his ways he can come in from,your setting up a ambush at close range..and most people don't like putting deer urine on thier clothes and face and hands but when i can walk downwind on a 195 score booner and have deer come so close to me that i can pet them and they don't recogonize me as a human,i don't worry about the wind at all,i use it as a advantage for carry scent..also if you come across fresh deer droppings,step on them and rub them on your pants..and always spray your hat ,with doe urine thats where most of your scent comes from..i am a diehard hunter i have hunted 30 point bucks and bucks with racks as thick as pop cans and deer with 30 inch spreads..they are out there but if you can read the land you will find them and keep record of big tracks biger than your hand and you got a monster,we saw one last night in velvet 10 pointer he was in the 150/155 class another year he will be a booner..i don't shoot anything less than 165 score..listen to me and you will get your buck at close range i have never had to shoot a deer more than 50 feet away and make that first Shot your killing shot or he might not give you another chance at him and will go back to night time moving and also never use rattling on a old buck,he is too smart for that all that does is let him know thiers a hunter in the woods,your grunt call is the most effective...good luck and hope my advice helps you get that big buck...if anyone has any questions,just ask i know tricks and should have my own hunting am a very serious deer hunter and i love it and scout year round i moved to south dakota a year ago from mn, and i already know where their are 5 booners within 25 miles of me..just got to get on the land now to get them,thats always concintrate on small pockets of cover they usually have a monster buck in them and old groves,abandoned farm don't need alot of cover to hide a big buck,they have addapted to humans and during deer season alot of those old bucks will hide out in your farm grove where you live at because they know hunters are not usually behind somebodys house...have somebody walk through it and you maybe surprised at how many deer come runiing out of it...good luck and hope you get him..
david stillo

david stillo

forgot one thing niko..before you leave your car always spray some deer urine on the bottom of your hunting boots you don't want to leave any human scent in the area your planning on hunting even if your just going into scout or spray his rubs..ok...goodluck
david stillo

david stillo

also if you don't get him during rifle/slug season go muzzle loading or late bow hunting and then concintrate on feeding areas when the weather starts turning colder..gooodluck
douglas bobbitt

douglas bobbitt

take code blue scrape hang it every morning and take it with u when u leav and u should get him off his feet with in a week i have used it on two good bucks that i had pic of only at night good luck and be PATIENT!
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