Where do you park your ATV / UTV when you're hunting? Just curious to see what the HuntDrop community thinks on this topic. Check out this brief guide by the team over at www.gearup2go.com and let me ...
Just saw big cat out by Centennial Watershed State Park - Redding/Newtown CT line. How big do these bad boys get? This one was brownish spotted and about 4-5 feet long, stood about 2.5 feet. Photo signs ...
I've been out every day for the past week in eastern ky. I've not seen much activity.
So I was lucky this year and was drawn for a Vermont moose tag. This is going to be my first time hunting a moose. I live in a very rural area, and the tag is assigned to my area. I have permission to ...
im looking for a trac of land to lease out next year and looking for about 50-100 acres to lease. i have started hunting this year and im looking in the areas of ashe, caldwell, watagua, avery, taylorsville, ...
I have been looking for a new broad head this year and i have basically narrowed it down to rage or thunderheads but I'm willing to change any thoughts?
I think it may be very convenient. You can easily compare prices in different countries and find your dream hunting. Your opinion is highly needed!
i started shooting archery about a yr ago i need to know what a good maximum distance is. right now i only shot 40-45 yards is this a good distance to hunt or should i stretch it out a lil more.
this is my first year shed hunting and have not found any yet if any one has some tips or if they have found any in the New England area please let me know thanks B-RY
It is proven that hunters, fishermen and outdoorsmen and women in general are the greatest conservationists. If you want to be more involved or get some good ideas for your home state, check out the Tennessee ...
Friend and myself are going to Newfounland next fall. We are driving and trying to figure out how much room we will need if we both get a moose. Does anyone have insight on a good way to get them home? ...
i have been hunting the same 20 acres of land for the past 6 to 7 years in past it has been a fairly good place to hunt and provided many great meals for the dinner table. but in that short amount of ...
Ryan Kulinski
I check mine about every 7 days or so. I try to check them being scent free too. Always wear my rubber boots and try not to touch much walking in or out.jesse sherer
i been checking mine weekly but have only came back with like 60 pics on itRyan Kulinski
Jesse, what kind of camera do you have? Make sure you have the right settings on it too.What is you camera over looking too?jesse sherer
i have a bushnell bone collector i have the sensor on high and capture mode on 3 and the delay time for 1 sec and its right by a corn feildRyan Kulinski
are these the pics that you posted? You may want to try and find out how they are coming in this field. See if that might help find a good trail or draw. Have you put any minerals out yet or any attractants?Ryan Kulinski
Heck your in Wisconsin, If you need some help on minerals etc let me know I have cousin that owns a deer mineral company up there.Todd Quinn
I check mine ever couple weeks. I don't get many pictures on my camera until pre rut, then I start getting a bunch. Camera is set up on ridge that the bucks travel looking for doe. hardwoods ridge surrounded by large pine planted back in the depression. Its hard to describe, but the bucks and doe love the area in the fall. Not much so in the summer.jesse sherer
i have and cow mineral lick in front of my cam and just put apples there but i never get anything anymoreRyan Kulinski
jesse look me up on facebook and I will get you in touch with my cousin and you can get some stuff from him. I have some out up here in Washington and they destroy it. Last for about 2 months or so. Were in Wisconsin are you at? How far you from Iola or Waupaca?jesse sherer
i live in norwalk about an hour from lacrossejaclyn bohnet
i check my trail cam every week and i move it in the feild once every 3 months through out the year. i always put a salt block at each site and i have wild game blocks set out as well in some spots i get tons of pics and others i get few depending on what time of the year it is... if you look at my drops i have trail cam pics up... i have my bushnell set at high and intervals at 30 seconds... before i set out my cam i always make sure i see fresh tracks and a good trampled game trail...jesse sherer
i moved mine before and now its next to a cornfeild i think all the deer are hiding in the corn thoughJohn Jackson
I've found that I never get mature bucks on my cams unless I've stayed away for at least 4 days. I prefer to go a minimum of 2 weeks between check them so I can get a better predictive pattern on them as to time of day they show up and how many.Rick Rinehart
Depends is the real answer. If you are in high deer density areas and going for mature whitetails who are reasonably pressured you should NOT overcheck. Early in the spring and summer its ok to go in every week but i usually prefer NOT to pressure them. I shy to every two weeks come later in july and then try to go every 3-4 weeks as the season approaches. It also depends on what your camera is over...a trail, mineral or food plot. I switch off of mineral as do the bucks and focus on trail or patterning in food plots come early fall. Lastly it depends on how easy it is to get to your camera sites without letting the deer feel pressured as well as issues with your camera. I get upto 90 pics a day on mineral and if i run video or food plot watcher modes you can fill a camera , expend battery life or fill chips quick.jesse sherer
thanks for the info and should i spray down with scent away before entering my trail cam areaJohn Jackson
no, nature will take care of that for you.jesse sherer
my cam is only like 400ft from my house thoughchuckles norris
Checked mine today. Lot's of activity. I won't check again for a couple of weeks. As it gets closer to the season I'll check every few days to try to get a timing pattern.Jacob Cecil
I've found that checking once every few weeks works best. Your scent does make an impact on the area so scent away or something like it should be used. My cam is set up in a small wooded area that opens up into a cornfield. Also i have a Trophy Rock mineral block in front. Most of my pictures during this time of year are of does/fawns, but when the pre-rut comes around, its like the bucks just appear out of no where!jesse sherer
ya ive got 2 bucks running around my house but never get them on camera i got them on camera right before spring thoke win
my dads friend checks his every morning. he gets around 60 pics each time?