
seth baker


Conversation : question

By 13 years ago

3643 views 14 comments

how necessary is scent control clothing?

I have been hunting for years with no form of scent control clothing and have had great sugcess. My question is how much doea the human scent really scare off deer? I have dropped a head lamp and had a buck walk up sniff it lick it and keep walking and browsing. so is the over priced scent lock and scent control clothing worth rhe money?


none of  your business

none of your business

I've never used it, and I've had coyotes within 15 yards of me, and also had deer closer than that
Mike Richardson

Mike Richardson

first year with it and it is cheap at that. play the wind and hunt areas with prevailing wind. I use scent away products and dress in the field. I have never been winded by hunting ridgetops with prevailing winds in PA
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

I do use scent control clothing, and scent control products. There is absolutely no way to completely eliminate your scent, so you still need to play the wind as Mike said. In my opinion, every little bit helps. I am very careful about scent before and during the season, and have been very successful. I actually wrote an article about this topic, and you may want to check it out at
seth baker

seth baker

I will have to check it out
Wayne Craig

Wayne Craig

Scent spray is cheap so why not use it?
seth baker

seth baker

I do i was just wondering how much does human scent realy scare off deee
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Human scent is probably the biggest reason the best of the best hunters don't kill more mature deer more often. Even if you've got an awesome spot with tons of trophy potential, an awesome setup in the tree, and all of your equipment and gear is flawless, shifting winds can destroy your hunt in a heartbeat. I watched a mature buck headed my way last year on public ground in Ohio. The wind was fine for awhile, but when he hit 75 yards it changed directions, blew right at him, and it didn't take 10 seconds before he had turned around and disappeared. He didn't blow or run, but he turned on a dime and walked straight away. He clearly smelled me and knew something was wrong. Many times you wont even see a mature buck before he's smelled you and hightailed it out of there. Even with great scent control, it can and will still happen on occasion. I also use a cover scent called Deer Dander, and it has worked wonders for me. I dont go in the woods without it.
kraig cullison

kraig cullison

all I use is a scent that is called "fresh earth".
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

i use primos earth sent cover. also i use buck bomb on the bottom of my boots and mist a lil bit of buck bomb while in the stand. i always see deer even if i don't rattle or grunt. i never go hunt without my buck bomb. i will say this. buck bomb will fly for a good ways so when using buck bomb PLAY THE WIND...
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

Zack I agree completely , I was wondering about the Deer Dander stuff? Works good ha? I have watched bucks from a distance on clear cuts come up downwind of my dad or a buddy and wind check say his scrape or food plot. Most of the time they dont blow and high tail it out of there they simply will scoot out in a hurry. Do the scent clothes work? Who will ever know the truth about that but I wear my lightweight Savannah series clothes when in early season and I set my stands about 25 to 30 ft up and still play the wind too. Deers sense of smell is there best defense and I usally dont take a chance when I am after a mature deer.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

The scent clothes, and scent spray have been proven to be completely non effective at masking human odor in what was called "hot box" tests with drug sniffing dogs. The dogs were able to identify which of four large wooden boxes had a human inside within seconds regardless of what measures they took to control scent. However, when using certain cover scents, the dog was delayed significantly in making the find, but never fooled. Deer dander is the best I have found at fooling their noses. It also works well as a scent attractant. Its synthetic and never goes bad, and smells just like a deer.
Crystal Campbell

Crystal Campbell

I wasn't too sure if it helped or not, but a couple years ago we had snow the last week of deer season. I left my spot to go eat and when I came back there was a huge set of prints that stopped right at my boot print and turned and went the other way. I Doe piss my boots now along with some scent control
seth baker

seth baker

What is deer dander? do other scent covers work as well for deer like the fresh earth? What about natural cover scents like woodsmoke smell or dogs breath
douglas bobbitt

douglas bobbitt

if u put doe piss on yor boots and dont wipe them off the sent will sour and scar deer off i wipe my hunting boots off after every hunt and store them. i got the sent lock vertigo clothes and i have doubled the deer i have seen and taken. i think if u wash with dead down wind and use sent killing deodorant and sent lock clothing u will see more deer good luck
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