
Harrison Seybold


Conversation : question

By 13 years ago

1930 views 8 comments

Growing deer.

How do I grow my deer I have about 150 acres mostly soybeans but maybe 50 woods im also only 13 but how do I grow my bucks I live in Indiana on the Richmond New Paris line. Also how do I get more deer there? With out getting rid of any soybeans.


John Jackson

John Jackson

Go look at the website for the Quality Deer Management Association at
Adam Friesen

Adam Friesen

My answer would be management. Spend a couple years weeding out some of the less desired bucks and older does. If you have dogs keep them close to the house with peramiter shock colars, they keep deer from hanging around. Also if you find bedding areas avoid them at all costs, deer like feeling safe. Whenever out and about walking around treat it like a hunt, move slow, watch your sent, and if you ever see a deer of any kind stop observe and let it move on naturaly. There are atractents you can use; however, they get costly because you have to keep them going once you start. Im a firm believer in fair chase and bating any animal isnt exactly fair chase, its your call but a natural monster is a better trophy than an artificial one. Hours in the bush is the only way to hammer the monsters.
Harrison Seybold

Harrison Seybold

Thank you guys! Just need to get more then 5 deer on the property.
Audra Goss

Audra Goss

Let the healthy bucks and does do their work. Leave them alone. You can kill off any weak or undesired ones, but leave them alone. We had the same problem on our property a couple years ago, and last year, we finally saw a herd of fourteen young deer that had gotten together. It's now a family law, written down, that no one is to touch or even mess with the herd just so they can establish life and start repopulating. We also keep foodplots year round for the deer to eat on, stay healthy, and be attracted to. We plant corn, clover, turnips, rye grass...we also leave mineral blocks. Deer are just like any other pet you might have; they have to have a well-balanced diet with every nutrient they need. They also need their shelter and their space.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

This is a topic I could literally write an entire book on, and many people have. The question is so broad and open ended that we could talk about it for days. Nobody can really answer the question better than you can, because we can't see your property, but you need the knowledge to do it. I also recommend the QDMA site listed above. Some simple google searches on deer herd management, deer nutrition, etc. Read everything you can, and put it to use on your property. It wont happen overnight, but in several years, you'll see your overall herd size and quality improve.
Danno Curfman

Danno Curfman

You should go to the QDMA National Convention this coming weekend in Nashville.
kraig cullison

kraig cullison

try growing a mixedtree orcherd, ( gala apple, red delicius apple, peach, barlet pear, red oak, white oak,etc)
kraig cullison

kraig cullison

at bass pro you can get an atractint called deer cane. it comes in mix powder, mix liquid. lick block. i get the mix powder and put it on a stump and it atracts the deere to the stump. so the deer will have a licking stump.
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