Food plots?
So what do people think about planting food plots in the fall. I run a landscape business and this spring was so insane I never had a chance to get any set. Am I going to do more damage by all the human activity in the area? Or is it going to improve it by the increase in food? Keep in mind my season starts sept 17th so not alot of growth in that time but also I have large seeding equipment and could be in and out in a matter of minutes. I am split but in one spot its already tore up from me needing to excavate a area so I am gonna do some throw and go there.
Zack Doyle
I dont think you'll do too much damage. Get it in as soon as possible, and leave the area alone for awhile. Your best luck on a fall planted food plot will come during the late season when bucks are recovering from the rut, and looking to pack on pounds for the winter. I dont know what part of the country you live in, so I can't recommend what to plant. Look for a good mix with a high protein content.Derek Taussig
Well the thing is I am bow hunting KS and start hunting early so I don't think I will bother with planting any this fall. It wouldn't do any good to plant for a few more weeks and that's right before my season opens. There is corn and bean fields all around anyways.Woodrow W
You can plant crowder peas right now down in Georgia. They will keep deer around until first frost.John Jackson
Woodrow is right. Crowder Peas and Purple Hull peas would do very well starting right now and the deer love them. Once the first frost is on the ground, go ahead and plan to plant your broad leafy greens like turnips, kale, rape, mustard. They are all human consumables but the deer seem to beat us all to them anyway.