
Robin Coward


Conversation : question

By 13 years ago

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Do you think you should work a youth hunter up to a "trophy" animal or should you let them take whatever comes along?

I personally think they should take the first one the comes along if presents a clean shot and pass on one if it doesn't present a clean shot. My daughters first moose was a 52" monster but a few days before she had passed on a 2 yr old as it didn't give her a nice clean shot.


Todd Quinn

Todd Quinn

I would like to work my boys up to bigger bucks, but trust me if a big ole trophy buck walks by I won't stop the boys from taking it. I try and put them in areas that tend to hold doe or younger bucks for now, but you just never know for sure what will show.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

I agree with Todd. I mentor quite a few youth hunters, and our goal is always just to see some deer or turkeys or whatever it might be while we're in the field. I've been fortunate to have alot of success with my youth hunters, and while none of them have ever killed a trophy buck, every single one of them has been successful. I let them decide on the deer or turkey they want to take, and if they want to wait for something bigger, they have to live with that decision. Thats the way hunting works, and they've got to learn right. Goal setting is a major part of hunting for me, and I set my personal goals pretty high every season. Those are all things we discuss before we get to the field. I want to know what they're looking for, and that's what we'll try to find. I dont want them to settle for less, and I also wouldn't let them pass on a giant. Those standards are very important, whether they make a kill or not.
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

My boys are to young to legally take a deer but I take them to the woods with me just about every time I go. They have there rubber boots and they know its quiet time once we step out of the truck. My 4 yr old will find tracks, turkey feathers, old rubs , etc. I shot my first deer when I was 13 with my bow and it was a doe. I today remember that like it was yesterday. So I guess what I am saying is a young hunter will remember that first animal and be proud no matter what it is. Just my .02 worth.
Tim Maxim

Tim Maxim

I agree w/you guys, I think if a first time hunter shoots a monster buck for his first what will they have to look forward to the rest of their hunting lives. I mean they might get discouraged trying to get something as big or bigger. For some a 150 class deer is a once in a lifetime thing.
david stillo

david stillo

me i have had my3 kids out hunting with since they have been 3 years old they have seen more booners than most people will see in a lifetime but if we go hunting i would ask them if thats the deer they want or a bigger one,i let them make the descision themselfs,i know all kids want a big buck like dad but sometimes weather,ect can screw up hunts and sometimes they just have to take what god gives them a chance at...i am just happy being out in the woods with them making a memory they will never forget but cherish...if we get skunked it is still fun just getting away from everyday lifestyle..
John Jackson

John Jackson

I try and educate my kids or the kids that I mentor about selective harvesting for the purpose of herd growth. Now, when the hunt comes and they pass up a nice buck, I'm very proud of them and I tell them so. If they take that first little "basket 8" they see as their first deer, I'm proud of them too. I let them make the decision how they are going to hunt.
David Tomlinson

David Tomlinson

I agree with letting them take what comes along. It keeps the interest in the hunting. Kids get bored if they hunt and hunt and hunt and do not harvest an animal. I also do what John talked about and tell them i am proud of them either way. My son has gotten to where he wants the trophy and got there by himself just watching me hunt and looking at my camera pics.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Tim, I can tell you from personal experience that my first buck with a bow when I was just 13 years old was a 151" 7.5 year old ten point. Not killing a bigger one for the next two years didn't discourage me one bit. It drove me. It fueled my passion. It becomes a goal. Its a mark that I might have never beaten. I did, with a 169" giant, and since that day I haven't even come within 20 inches of that biggest buck. Hunting giant whitetails has become an obsession for me because of killing that first big mature deer. I cant speak for every other youth hunter out there, but a big whitetail as a first deer creates a challenge that may have them hooked for a lifetime like it did for me.
Tim Maxim

Tim Maxim

Zack, Good point I never thought of it that way
seth baker

seth baker

Food for thought. does it mater if they shoot a monster or a doe? I think that them having the time of there lives and learning what you do with the animal. eg eating it donating it to charity is as equal important as the size of the rack. Teaching them to respect the animal and the sport is also more important than the size of the horn'S
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

It absolutely doesn't matter whether they shoot a monster or a doe or nothing at all for that matter. The important thing is making it fun, teaching them safety and ethical hunting procedures, and just getting them off the couch. We're losing more and more youth hunters every year, and its so important to try and introduce new people to the world of hunting.
John Jackson

John Jackson

Zack you're right. Having them develop a love for hunting, the outdoors and everything that involves is the most important thing. It'll be fun, educational, healthy, and something they can spend a life time perfecting. Once they have the love and the passion, then they'll develop whatever conservation, stewardship or management practices they'll need. That's why I was such a fan of the Boy Scouts, etc. It gave us more of an excuse to be outside.
douglas bobbitt

douglas bobbitt

i have 3 boy and a girl all hunt and all have take deer with me or ther mother would never stop them from shoting a monster my little girl killed her first doe when she was 9 with her pink crossbow there was a better buck with the doe but he would not give her a shoot i let her make up her mind to let it walk or take it and that doe is hanging on her bedroom wall .my boys all started on does and little bucks and to see there faces when they get there hand on one they have taken u would think it was a world class deer and thats wourth all the big deer in the world to let them make the call there smarter then us any way.
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