
seth baker


Conversation : question

By 13 years ago

1443 views 5 comments

Different kind of hunting

So I have been on the east coast for a while now and i still have not gotten the hang of the style of hunting. Any one have any advice on the best way to pattern deer and good areas to start looking? I am from the AZ desert and the best places to look is water holes since they are so rare and spread out.


John Jackson

John Jackson

On this side of the country, water is usually abundant. We tend to be more observant over food plots and food sources. With deer being opportunistic foragers, if they find a place with good food, shelter, and safety, they'll stick around. Look for protected areas like "saddles" of ridges or glades that are near food sources yet allow the deer ease of access to and from the area. IN the fall, look for scrapes and rubs, and of course, watch for their trails in the grass and track in the dirt.
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

I agree with John. Depending on what state you are in and your hunting terrain can make a difference as well. The main thing I do no matter what place I am hunting is hit the Google Earth and look for funnels. Just about every piece of woods has them. White tails will almost always follow the patch of least resistance too. Locate your does and the bucks will show up in the rut!
Rick Rinehart

Rick Rinehart

tough question. my bro hunted whities in vermont and it is tough. depends on if you are doing rifle or bow. best way is to find unpressured land with cover, water and food sources. If you can place mineral and a camera you can inventory what is in the area. Then you can use your cameras in strategic locations like funnels and pinch points to pattern traffic areas from core areas and bedding to food. Summer scouting is very important in many areas. If you can plant a little honey hole food plot in a good spot that works too. Most important to always be cognizant of scent. Dont over check cameras and plan very carefully your entry and exit routes. That is the best way to accomplish it and be successful quickly rather than a few years of trial and error. Or just go sit in a tree and watch squirrels and be happy and lucky if one comes by. Thats good too
Roy Burkhart III

Roy Burkhart III

Seth, I was born and raised in south Texas and never had a hard time finding deer, of course they came to our feeders. However, Lived in Alabama for the last 6 years where it is illegal to bait deer. It took me a good while to learn how to hunt these deer. my first two seasons only resulted in a doe, and a spike. However, I did like the comment above about draws that come off the mountains, if you can find one of these it is a great idea to sit on the side of it somewhere and let the deer filter through to you, another piece of advice is, find out what is considered Baiting if it is illegal where you are. some supplements and licks are ok, in most places. those do help and can draw deer out of an area they are allready close to. pattern your deer, dont let them pattern you and always change your route to your hunting spots, this will keep the deer guessing. hope this helps some, and good luck. I consider myself a much better hunter now after learning to hunt the East coast, and I apply alot of what i learned there, to my hunting now back in Texas, and it has paid off huge !!!
seth baker

seth baker

Thank you all for your advice I will have to try it out this hunting season
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