
Olivia St. James


Conversation : question

By 13 years ago

1757 views 8 comments

Can you believe these guys?

Okay so we had a hunters breakfast back in the fall. And since somebody wrecked the town hall, we agreed to let them have it in our field. So while we are eating a couple of the does that usually hang out around there came out. Well we start looking at them and we are all in camo. and had our guns in our trucks. So these anti hunting group people gather onto our field and start protesting and yelling at us about shooting and harming these animals. And they wouldn't leave. So I eventually had it and sicked the dogs on them. And they took off. So my question is, Has this or anything like it happen to any of you guys?


Tim Abney

Tim Abney

Sounds crazy enough to be right to me.Some of those wackos are so out of touch with reality they wold know a deer from an elk. I think I'd have to call the Sheriff and or Game Warden and they them have at the wackos. It is illegal to harass hunters in our state. Not sure if the breakfast thing falls into the harassment clause but it would be funny to watch.
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

We have had them up in my state on the opener for pheasant season, walking through the fields beating on pots and pans and blowing air horns. Most of us just used them as drivers LOL
Todd Quinn

Todd Quinn

I have had them come right on my hunting property when I was dragging out an 8 point one year. They were bitching and whining about shooting helpless deer and what if the deer could shoot back etc etc. I stopped them from whining when I showed them how good a shot I made at 80 yard with my .35 rem and that I still had plenty of ammo for more hunting :-)
Michael Skirpan

Michael Skirpan

I haven't encountered anything like that in NW Florida, and I certainly hope I never do. I truly don't understand the polarization of our society that we are seeing these days, the efforts of the anti-hunters never cease to amaze me.
douglas bobbitt

douglas bobbitt

they were on the national forst in southwest va 5 years ago was cring over a doe my boy killed then they started on my buddy while they were yealing at him me and my boy loaded our deer and let air out of there tires pulled up in the fild and got my buddy and his deer and we could hear them yealing mile away its a long walk of that mountian and know cell phone work hope they had a good walk i shour enjoyed the deer
Roy Burkhart III

Roy Burkhart III

wow !! That would have been awesome to see !!! I hvae never had an extreme case like this, but have had the usuall people fighting with me over killing deer, and it being so,so wrong. i just laugh. i always explain that where we are in Texas, there are more traffic fatalities due to deer, then there are all other types of accidents combined. and that if hunting in our county was banned for even one season, they would see such an increase in deer population that the traffic of deer in town would double, therefore more accidents, more deer eating there precious flower and trees in there yards and so on and so forth. they usually stop at that point and walk away saying " wow, i didnt know all that ".
Tim Reid

Tim Reid

I know here in my area of Ontario its more of the other way around, we don't have people chasing hunters away. It seems to be the opposite most of the farmers near here and are asking us to take more deer and try to help cut down on the damage they are doing to the crops! As for protesters we don't seem to have to many unless there is an issue with the deer in the local parks becoming over populated and even then it seems that after a bit of a debate they come to a peaceful way to correct the problem.
douglas bobbitt

douglas bobbitt

i think i want to go to ontario sounds good
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