
Warrior Outdoors


Conversation : product

By 13 years ago

2936 views 17 comments

Hunter's Sent-A-Way

Ok folks time to talk about Sent-A-Way. I have had a lot of questions about this stuff. Does it work? When is the best time to apply? Can we use any of this at home? Well… keep in mind this is just one Marines opinion. First is yes I use this product. I use the body wash every day at home. I have found that after a long day in the Ga heat that the body wash is the best thing on the market to get all the stink off. The body wash is also antibacterial. Antibacterial wash is important for the everyday working man, Hunters and service men and woman. With all the things we encounter in the field and at work the last thing we want to do is spared germs to our family. Sent-A-Way offers a spray and antiperspirant. Now the antiperspirant I don’t use because my dad told me a long time ago that we need to sweet wither it stinks or not we need to do it. It’s healthy. So while I’m in the field to get around this problem I use the sent away spray and sent cover. Can you use the sent-a-way spray at home? Well I’m sure you can but why when you have a shower. Unless you hunt in your back yard then I would say yes use it. Now to address the last big question. When is the best time to apply? I apply sent-a-way spray and sent cover right before I go into the field. Where the sent-a-way spray probably won’t hurt your truck but sent cover will. So it just makes since to apply all right before you go into the field. You also get the max use out the products you buy. Please feel free to ask any questions
Thank you all and Semper Fi


Hunt Man

Hunt Man

It definitely works but as I understand it, cover scents are more effective than trying to eliminate scent. I've always used both. I'll shower with their soap, put on their antiperspirant, suit up, spray down, and then spray a second time about 5 minutes before I walk in the wood. I also spray my boots, dash a little raccoon urine on a wick tied to my boot and then start walking. This is just the way I do it but I could be wrong.
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

Every thing you are saying brandon sounds right on the money. i just choose not to use the antiperspirant. good feed back for the readers. Keep it up and happy hunting. Semper Fi
John Jackson

John Jackson

good old squirt of skunk scent covers anything :)
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

LOL!!!!!! o my gosh. no kidding. It does cover anything.
David Tomlinson

David Tomlinson

Scent-a-way works. I use it as well. I shower with the soap and wash my clothes in scent away and then even spray down just before entering the woods.
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

Good feed back David. I also wash my clothes with Sent-A-Way.
Semper Fi
Todd Quinn

Todd Quinn

I use scent away all the time. I spray down my hunting clothes while they are hanging on the line. Then again when I get to where Im going to park my truck, then I always spray down when I get to my stand and a few times a day while Im standing in stand. Probably overkill but that is just the way I do it.
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

Good call Todd. I dont think your wrong at all. I say the more the better. Keep doing what your doing cause it seems to be working...
Semper Fi
douglas bobbitt

douglas bobbitt

i use dead down wind sampo and antiperspant and where i smoke i use gum-o-floge and sent lock clothes it works i have dubbled the deer seen and taken since i started using sent lock layering system
David Tomlinson

David Tomlinson

i started using the scent lock layering system too. works great coupled with scent-a-away.
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

douglas and david. great feed back. sounds like you guys really got your system down pat. keep it up yall.
Semper Fi
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

Great cover scent= Deer Dander
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

Ryan thanks for the feed back. happy hunting
Semper Fi
douglas bobbitt

douglas bobbitt

where do u get deer dander i have heard about it but cant find it around here
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

douglas you can order it right off cabela's web site. real easy shiped right to your front door. that is how i get alot of what i have. other then sending the wife to the store for me while im at work. lol.
Troy Walters

Troy Walters

where were they sent to? haha get it
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

Yes Troy i get it.....good one.
Semper Fi
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