
Woodrow W


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By 13 years ago

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Coyote advise.

I've been seeing does around my house so I put out a game cam yesterday hoping to see a buck. I placed the camera on a tree at 3:30. When I checked the camera after work and I saw that coyote walked by a couple of hours after I put it out. He showed up again at 11:30. This is about 300 yards behind my house. I live on a dirt road in a fairly populated area in a burb of Atlanta. I have small grand children. I've seen them on the highway but never this close to my property. Some of the farmers have trouble with coyotes taking down calves.
I want this varmint gone. Any ideas.


Olivia St. James

Olivia St. James

ask if any farmers have had any calves or cows that have died recently, without any kind of drug put in them, and ask if you can take it off their hands. Set it somewhere where you have seen the coydog lately and sit and wait. As soon as they smell the meat they come for it. You should be able to take care of em real quick. That is if they let you hunt them like here in Vermont, It's open season on them all year, no bag limit, and you're aloud to bait them.
Rick Rinehart

Rick Rinehart

I doubt there is just one. They are social pack animals. I live in a very populated area in the midwest and had a litter of pups playing in my backyard recently. they are stealthy and much more present than you think. killing one wont dent it. trapping is the best way to really take a bunch out. not sure what your regs are there. shooting is fun but doesnt get as many as trapping. there is an awful lot that goes into that. trapping or shooting is often best done over a dead carcass or consistent dump area of gut piles or carcasses on your property.
other option is to alert your DNR or whatever they are called. we had some with mange behind the house once and sometimes the DNR can actually be of assistance. good luck
none of  your business

none of your business

I definately agree with trapping. Since your in a populated area I'd say box traps, so your not hurting cats or dogs. Also by far the best bait is live bait so maybe add a back with chicken wire, and buy a pheasant or rabbit to put in the back.
douglas bobbitt

douglas bobbitt

i would go to buchershop and get some scape get your bow and climing stand and have some fun taking them out we get 25 $ a peice for them in southwest va check your bounty laws
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

I'll check again today. If I can get his timing down, I'll put up a stand and try to put a bullet through him. A trap may be a better bet. I've never trapped a coyote, but lot's of wild hogs. If he shows up again within the next couple of days, it's war.
Vern Bullock

Vern Bullock

My advise , check regulations in your area i know it is legal to take care of anything if it is in self defence of livestock and/or house hold!
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Just checked my gamecam a few minutes ago. Three bucks around midnight last night. Does and fawns showed up after bucks moved on around 1:00. 1:48 does are looking down the trail. Around 1:50 yote shows up again.
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