Buck Beards?

Here in PA it is a tradition to grow a beard for deer season and shave it only if you get a buck. I am starting mine really early this year. This picture was my beard from last year.
Any other states have the same tradition. Most thanksgiving pictures in PA reaveal this tradition.
Any other states have the same tradition. Most thanksgiving pictures in PA reaveal this tradition.
Todd Quinn
What if you don't get your buck. will you guys look like ZZ Top ? Just kidding, my buddies and I start growing our beard at the start of bow season and don't shave it off until we have all of our venison in the freezer, or the season ends which ever comes first. I won't bother posting a pic of mine, it has a lot more grey in it than yours does.Zack Doyle
Last all of my buddies and I did the same thing. We started from the beginning of the Ohio season because we made an early trip out there, and it was supposed to continue on through the PA seasons until we killed bucks. I killed mine on the second day of the PA archery season, so it didn't last long. Everyone else shaved theirs off shortly after, even though none of them killed anything.Olivia St. James
Well the tradition in my parts is that if you kill a deer and you are the youngest, your older siblings have to cook it for you and serve the best cut, usually the tenderloins, to you. And if you kill a deer for the first time, it used to be you had to drink a cup of their blood, now its whoever is hunting with you gets to cover your face in its blood.Danno Curfman
I hunt PA, WV and OH. I'd be out of luck, because I can't grow a good beard to save my life.Charles Alexander
my buddy who i hunt with can't grow a beard to save his life either, I am the opposite but my beard length depends on how much I want to put up with my gf complaining its too long!Zack Doyle
Yeah tell me about it Charlie. My girlfriend hates it when I grow facial hair. But, if you don't kill a buck and you have to let it grow, she'll be pushing you out the door to go get it done!