
John Jackson


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By 13 years ago

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Get Your Ladies into the Woods!

To keep the outdoor sports alive, it is important to involve everyone. Guys, like it or not, women are just as good at this stuff as the rest of us. As a professional shotgun coach, I can attest that they are better at it in some areas. Have your female friends, family or significant others check out this women's program and others like it. Get your ladies into the woods!


Hunt Man

Hunt Man

I took mine for the first time last year. She really enjoyed it. I had no buddy stands set up so we had to make some ground blinds. She's an architect by trade so she really enjoyed that. I was relieved she was happy sitting still for so long. I'm glad I brought her along.
Laura Carter

Laura Carter

Good advice John!
Thomas Amrein

Thomas Amrein

I am still working on my wife, but she will go when she is ready. It is nice from time to time to have someone with you to share in the excitement.
Joshua Temple

Joshua Temple

My wife is eager to go! I'm a lucky man.
Valerie Allgrove

Valerie Allgrove

I didn't know where to learn to shoot and I found the folks at Project Appleseed. I went from not knowing how to put a bullet in my rifle to shooting better than the 2 20-something guys next to me in just a few hours. I'm hooked and now have 3 rifles of my own which I practice with regularly.
Stephanie McGillicky

Stephanie McGillicky

I'm a 32 year old woman, and avid outdoors woman and I live to hunt and fish. I've been doing it all my life. I have three awesome children who seem to be growing up sharing mom and dads love of hunting, fishing, trapping and just watching and enjoying our wildlife here in Saskatchewan. I married the man of my dreams six years ago and am still has happy as ever. Their isn't a hunt we don't go on together. I do all the work too not just the fun and I can't tell you how many times my husband has said, "Thanks babe none of the other guys woulda done that for me." It makes my day to wake up to someone every morning who shares my passion and doesn't care that I'm a "Girl." I encourage all women to give it a shot. Its worth it!
Lyndon Churchill

Lyndon Churchill

My wife "was" a city girl and never fired a gun in her life, until she met me. She was a terrible shot at first with a shot gun missing every can I set up for her. It was her glasses. Once we realized her glasses were making her see the target at the wrong angle, she was perfect. Her first hunt was on a hot dove field. She had a great time. So on our 5th wedding anniversary, she got the traditional gift. Something made of wood, a Remington 1100 20 ga. shotgun. Living in Alabama we mainly deer hunt. I took her to South Alabama and she kept seeing deer and telling me how many points they had. I informed her that if they were that close she could have taken one. When she did pull the trigger, we never found the deer. She was heartbroken but more determined. We now sit together and I even let her pick the location. She has gotten real good at being in the woods. She is able to find deer trails, locate food sources, and even following blood trails. We have now been married for 31 years and this deer season we both took nice bucks on the same day with our 270s as there was a small group of three bucks and two doe that came up to where we were sitting. We sit mainly on the ground. Due to my falls from stands and scaring her to death. She is my best friend and partner. I feel lucky to have her love hunting as much as I do!!
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