
John Jackson


Conversation : question

By 13 years ago

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How is the US going to react?

We are all shocked by the tragic turn of events in the Aurora Colorado movie theater last night, with so many being killed and dozens upon dozens injured by what is thought a single man and three weapons. I pray that those injured recover quickly and the families of those killed are able to find justice and peace quickly.

We are going to see a world-wide backlash like always for gun control and all the talking heads are going to get involved yadda, yadda, yadda.... It's an election year and the liberals are going to add this to the platform for the incumbent yadda, yadda, yadda..... We have to get those guns off the street yadda, yadda, yadda....

Regardless of any of this one bit of cliche' rings true regardless: Guns don't kill people, people kill people, and cigarettes lead the way on killing people.

Be ready for the onslaught because it's coming! Count on it. This is going to be sensationalized to its greatest possible extent by the anti's and those with gun control agendas.


Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Exactly. Guns don't kill even a tiny fraction of the people that cigarettes, alcohol, and prescription drugs your doctor gives you do. Nearly 800,000 people died of prescription medication related deaths in 2003, and those haven't been banned yet. Maybe we should ban doctors for wrongly prescribing them. If he would have run those people over with a bus, we wouldn't be pushing to ban those, just calling him a lunatic with a bus. It is a terrible tragedy, and you are very right in saying the blame will be put on the firearm supporting community.
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

The NRA got a bunch of backlash for a tweet saying something like, "Good morning shooters" on Friday. It was prescheduled and automatically posted. They took it down.
Scott Hall

Scott Hall

It was a tragedy and I don't want for one second to marginalize it or in any way disrespect anyone that was killed or injured in the attack. A personal friend of mine lives in Aurora and happened to be in the theater at the time with 4 children from her church youth group that she had brought to see the movie. It was only by a miracle of God that she and all 4 kids were able to escape the massacre unharmed. Zack you are right that we will see a bombardment by the liberal left on gun owners in America. This being an election year both sides will do whatever they have to, in order to get votes. It is my own opinion(which usually doesn't count for much in the overall scheme of things) that we need LESS gun control, not more. Since the police cannot be everywhere at once and since many places don't have their own private security forces, I think responsible concealed carry permit holders should be allowed to carry their firearms into any public building as long as they use good judgement. If just one person in that theater had been there with a legally carried concealed handgun, many lives could have possibly been saved.
David Diveley

David Diveley

I agree with Scott, less controls not more.
Valerie Allgrove

Valerie Allgrove

Weighing in from Connecticut where the liberals are looney...YUP. More safe, armed citizens are what we need. I've had 2 women unfriend me on Facebook this week for my very unpopular comments shifting the blame from the gun to the shooter.
John Jackson

John Jackson

I just heard on the Mike Huckabee radio program yesterday that Colorado firearm sales increased by like 43% since the shooting. Apparently a lot of the people who didn't believe in concealed carry before, are firm believers now.
Stephanie McGillicky

Stephanie McGillicky

Guess I'd just like to know if the three guns were black market-My guess is yes. I agree in full with Scott Hall and Valerie-just stay true to what you believe. ;)
John Jackson

John Jackson

From what I've heard, they were all legally purchased. It is irrelevant how he got them as people who are going to commit crimes with guns aren't going to care about gun laws anyway.
Olivia St. James

Olivia St. James

They think more gun laws are going to help, tell then, since when do criminals give a darn about the Laws? It wouldn't have mattered if there was a gun, He could've rigged a bus full of kids to explode the minute they turned the key. If he had killed the people with a car would they have made it harder for people to purchase cars? No of course not.

But aside from that, everyone here in my neck of the woods has been talking, if Obama does outlaw guns. We are going to stand at the borders with out guns, and fire till we win, or til we die. I tell you, we are preparing for the worse, maybe others should too.
Steven Yoas

Steven Yoas

conceal carry teaches center mass shots, in this day and age when the criminals are covering themselves from head to toe with protection my only chance is a head shot, we train for hours for that. My conceal carry is a 38 special revolver not enough knock down power so precision counts. whether in defense here or abroad and hunting live by my training " One Shot - One Kill "
Olivia St. James

Olivia St. James

And with them making more gun control, tell me, when does a criminal usually use their own gun? If i was to rob a bank, I wouldn't use my gun, I would steal somebody else's gun, then toss it afterwards. Then who would they trace the gun back to? Not me of course. So who else agrees, not more, less, for us who do obey the laws.
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