It's All Good - a personal blog

This isn't about hunting. This is my personal blog that I created to discuss positive aspects of life and to delve into subjects like my outdoor photography. I imagine I'll talk a lot about woods-craft and issues affecting the outdoors in my state and area too. The bottom line on my blog is that you can find good in anything if you just look for it with an open mind.
Hunt Man
John,What camera do you use? I shoot a 7D and love it.
John Jackson
I just bought a Canon T3i. It has ups and downs but it has been a real performer for me. I prefer to use Tamron all-in-one lenses like the 18-200 and the 18-270. I use a Canon 100 mm macro and a canon 50mm with a close up kit. I also will use a 2x extender at times for super close up with the 200 mm and 7x close up lens mount filter.